Seventh project
Genre: Third-Person Game
Made in CatBox engine (in-house team made engine)
15 weeks half speed
My Contributions
Player Movement
Enemy Animation
Player Movement
Since my main responsibilites during development of our previous project Spite: Wrath of Valkyria was enemies, I decided to request to work with something else this project, namely player movement. During my time here at The Game Assembly, I have tried to work with a variety of fields in game programming.
The player movement in a third-person game is very important, and would need at least one programmer full time. We split it into player movement and player camera.
I have worked with player movement in other projects, but never in a game that would support controller movement, so this was a new experience! Our reference game was Ratchet & Clank (PS4) so the controller movement needed to be good and polished to match the reference.
Besides running and walking, the player could jump, perform a double jump, and activate a glide mode to slow down fall speed. Since the level design tended to use more verticality than the reference game, these movement features contributed very effectively to the game feel. During playtests, we noticed that many of our testers enjoyed exploring all the nooks and crannies of the levels.

Player movement and the level designed worked well together.
Enemy Animation
About half way through the development of eRaticate, the player movement was pretty much done and decently polished, and our enemy team needed some reinforcements. They were heavily at work with progressing on the implementation of enemy behaviour, but implementing animation had not really started yet.
I implemented the animations for two of our three enemies, using the Animation Controller tool created by the engine team. Because the behaviour had been created by another programmer, using two behaviour trees, it was initially a bit of a challenge for me to find where to put the code to trigger animation state changes, but it all worked out in the end!

Various animations I implemented for the big melee enemy.
Normally, we would need to have one member of our team make sure the game has some music and sound effects, but this time we were fortunate enough to have an audio designer join the team! But we still needed a programmer to implement it.
I picked up where the programmer from last project left off. The CatBox engine has support to use FMOD sound banks, so that made my job a lot easier. It was still a bit of work to make the audio start playing and stop playing correctly when they needed to, and with the proper timing.
We are Stupid Town.
Filip Nygren, Lars Tallinger, Elin Granath, Henrik Park, Alexander Rosendahl, Markus Hermelin, August Smith, Elric Dagsberg
Level Designers
Vanessa Grundström, Elias Carlsson, Axel Ahlkvist
Graphical Artists
Martin Åkesson, Albin Bång, Malin Fröjd, David Bohlin, David Axelsson
Lucas Åsaborn, Emelie Bettoschi, Daniel Nagy
Technical Artists
Tim Lindberg, Per Magnusson, Christopher Nylén
Audio Design
Assar Wade